There are Two plans in Weight Loss. You Can Choose Which one is comfortable to you.

Diet Plan 1

Diet Plan 2


                                                                 Face it - when you first started bodybuilding, you imagined yourself with massive, mountainous biceps. You pictured perfect bulging horseshoe triceps. Even if it was somewhere in the back of your mind, that was what you wanted most out of your weight training.
                                                          That being said, you probably weren't exactly sure how to achieve these massive arms. Most people go about it completely the wrong way - they go to the gym every day and spend countless hours doing bicep curls and tricep kickbacks. Then, they head home wondering why their arms are growing at a snail's pace.

                                                          Here are three simple steps that will increase your bicep and triceps growth by leaps and bounds. Follow them religiously, and I guarantee you'll have those massive biceps and triceps in no time...

1) Recognize your arms for what they are.

                                                           Your biceps and triceps may look like big, impressive muscles - but they're really not. Relatively speaking, they're fairly small muscles. Your back, chest, and thighs are much larger muscle groups that deserve far more attention.
Believe it or not, building a routine that focuses on your back, chest and thighs will help you make big gains on your biceps and triceps. Some of the very best exercises - deadlifts, pull-ups, bench press, and even squats - can help increase the size of your arms. These exercises are large compound movements that involve all the muscles in your body. In addition, they're so difficult that they cause your body to release more testosterone and growth hormone, which results in muscle growth all over the body (yes, even in your arms).
It's also important to realize that the triceps are a much larger muscle than the biceps. Roughly speaking, the triceps make up 2/3rds your upper arm muscle mass, and the biceps only 1/3. You may want to focus your time accordingly, doing more sets for triceps than for biceps.

2) Pump up the intensity, dude!

                                                              If you're not lifting to muscular failure on every lift, you're not working hard enough. Muscular failure means that you are physically unable to lift the weight again by the end of your set. Aim to complete 5 to 8 repetitions before you reach muscular failure. When you're able to lift more than 8 reps without failing, add more weight.
Also remember that less is more. If you're able to complete 10 sets of 8 repetitions for your biceps, you're simply not working hard enough. Each week you shouldn't be doing more than 5 sets for biceps and 6 or 7 sets for triceps, at the very most!

3) Eat big to grow big!

                                                          The worst thing you can possibly do if you're trying to build big arms is to neglect nutrition. Someone once told me that "one pound of bodyweight equals one inch on your biceps". This is not very realistic, but it's a good thing to remember - you need to pack on general muscle mass and bodyweight in order to build your arm muscles.
                                                           In order to gain muscle, you need to consume more calories than you burn. The more calories you take in, the faster you'll grow. Eat at least 5-6 meals per day, every couple of hours. Make sure to eat lots of protein (1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight each day is a minimum). Eggs, chicken, tuna, beef, cheese, milk, and whey powder are all good sources of high quality protein.
                                                         A healthy lifestyle is important to overall weight training, and therefore for building big arms as well. Try to think of building those big biceps and triceps as part of a whole bodybuilding lifestyle. This lifestyle should include drinking lots of water, eating lots, and getting plenty of sleep. Try to stay away from alcohol or drugs as they can hurt your muscle gains.

How to get broad shoulders bigger and wider?


Broad Shoulder Men

                                            Women, on average, tend to be attracted to men who are taller than they are, masculine facial dimorphism, and who have broad shoulders, a relatively narrow waist, and a V-shaped torso.

                                             Every guy wants big broad shoulders, but unless you naturally have them a lot of guys find them hard to build up muscle there. The shoulder muscle (called the deltoid) are split into three muscle parts – posterior deltoid (front), lateral deltoid (side) and anterior deltoid (rear).
                                            The main part of the deltoids that will broaden your shoulders are the side delts – the lateral deltoids.
                                              If you want broad shoulders you have to work your lateral deltoid muscles. Unfortunately in most peoples workout schedule they do not include enough exercises for their lateral deltoids.


Exercises to work your Lateral Deltoids and make you look wider:

                                       The main exercise to work these muscles are Lateral Raises.

How to get  Broad shoulders

  • stand with a shoulder width stance.
  • Hold a dumbbell in each arm with your arms down by your waist.
  • Raise your arms to the side to just above shoulder level.
  • Return your arms back to by your waist.



                                                                                           We have all heard that sweating is good for us. But we may not realize how and why it is good for us. I know that excessive sweating can be annoying, but sweating some is necessary and good for us. Listed below are 4 ways in which sweating is healthy.

                         1. Sweat helps to eliminate unhealthy toxins from the body. These toxins can cause diseases over time. Sweating also cleans the pores in the skin, and helps to reduce black heads and acne which can be very embarrassing.

                          2. Our bodies need fresh water to help to replenish the body, and sweating helps to remove the old sweat to make room for the new. Sweating also helps to control the body temperature when it is hot and while exercising, thus it helps prevent against heat stroke.

                          3. Sweat in the palm of the hands helps one get a better grip on things. It also helps to keep the skin soft and young. Sweat can protect one from harmful toxins, or chemicals in the environment by diluting the body with sweat as the body comes into contact with the toxins. Sweat also produces an antibiotic that can help to kill harmful bacteria.

                          4. Sweating combined with exercise creates hormones which help to make one feel good. This can work as a natural antidepressant.

                                                                         From the points above it should be apparent that sweating has its benefits. Yet, excessive sweating can cause many health problems such as dehydration and body odor.


Weight Gain Diet

Weight gain diet foods are essential to help you gain extra pounds of healthy weight. Skinny people need to know what kind of food and how much to eat. Eating the wrong foods such as high crabs like fries, chips and other junk food is a sure way to create future health problems downstream like hypertension, heart diseases and diabetes. We will look at some of the proper weight gain diet foods you should include in your daily diet and the portions you should be consuming to gain weight quickly and healthily.



If you are interested in the kind of weight gain diet foods you can try the following:
1. Milk (3 Glasses) : Milk is packed with protein, the ingredient necessary to put on muscle mass. Start the day with a glass of milk, drink it over the next few meals until you are done with more than 3 glasses.

2. Fruits & Vegetables (5 Servings) Eating fruits and vegetables help prepare our bodies for healthy weight gain. They are rich in fiber and vitamins, and aid us in digesting our weight gain diet foods.

3. Breads Choose hearty and dense breads such as oat bran and whole wheat rather than light white breads. Eat them with generous servings of peanut butter and jam.

4. Cereals Cereals make great weight gain diet foods. Eat more dense cereals such as muesli, grape-nuts, granola, shredded wheat and bran. Avoid flaked cereals. Remember to use low fat milk instead of water when preparing hot cereals and garnish with nuts and dried fruits.

5. Beverages Drink more filling beverages like shakes, milk, fruit juices instead of water, tea, coffee and sodas. Go for the higher calorie content.

Guidelines for а Weight Gain Diet Plan
First and foremost, your diet should contain whole foods that are high in calories but nutritious a well. (More on this in a minute)

Protein - eat between 40-60 grams of protein at each meal. That number seems like it's off the charts, doesn't it? However, if you're putting your Body through a strenuous bodybuilding regime, our body needs the extra protein do it doesn't go into survival ode. In short, if your body doesn't get the protein it needs from the foods you eat, it will take the required protein from your muscles, which means you're defeating the purpose if gaining weight and muscle altogether

Carbohydrates - the best range if between 60 and 80 grams of carbohydrates at each meal. Carbohydrates arc the body's energy source! Make sure your body has the energy it needs, or again, it will deplete your existing muscle and you'll be back to the stating lint.