How To Do The Farmer's Walk…

To get a good workout with the farmer's walk…

  • Make sure you use a pair of heavy dumbbells and…
  • You want to start off Using a pair of dumbbells that are at least equal to your body weight so if you weigh 150 pounds - use TWO 75 lb dumbbells and if that's still too heavy - Just Use slightly lighter dumbbells and…
  • Try to walk at least 700 feet and probably no more than ¼ of a mile (or 1400 feet) and to make this easier for you to measure or figure out…
    • You are basically doing the farmer's walk only 200-to-400 yards or…
    • 1/8-to-¼ of a mile or…
    • Walking up & down a football field 1-to-2 times.
A sample farmer's walk workout…
  • Do a farmer's Walk for 200-to-400 yards (don't run but walk as fast as you can) and…
  • Every time you drop the weights - Rest 10-to-90 seconds between each time you drop the weights and…
  • Then continue doing the farmer's walk for 200-to-400 yards and…
To burn more fat & build more muscle every time you do the farmer's walk…
  • Try to walk the entire 200-to-400 yards faster & faster 
  • Try to drop the weights less & less and/or…
  • Try to use heavier dumbbells and/or…
  • Try to walk more than 400 yards and…
  • Keep track of all this in your log book and because the farmer's walk is so intense… You should only do the farmer's walk once a week or maybe even once every 2 weeks

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