Diet Plan 1

Diet Plan 1 (Low Carb., High Protein, Mod. Fat)

Read Further Down To See Sample Diet
(Please read entire diet plan before beginning)

-During this phase you will be focusing on carbohydrates during 2 key times throughout the day, breakfast (when you wake up), and immediately post workout. You will also taper off your carbohydrates in the evening.
-Your protein should be divided up into 6-7 meals throughout the day.
-You fat intake will occur mainly before bed (ie peanut butter) and throughout the day (although do not look to add fats to your diet, but rather it will simply naturally occur within many of the foods you eat)

-Important – make sure you combine this diet with a weekly exercise plan

Your ratios of macronutrients will be based on your weight and should be as follows (this is a rough estimate and can be adjusted but gives you an idea of where you should be around)

Carbs: 0.8 grams per pound of bodyweight

Protein: 1-1.5 grams per pound of bodyweight (I typically prefer to eror on the side of too much protein rather than insufficient amounts)

Fats: 0.2-0.4 gram per pound of bodyweight

        Calories: 1 gram of carbs = 4 calories

                      1 gram of protein = 4 calories

                      1 gram of fats = 9 calories


200 lb. individual should consume (calculate your portions based on your weight and the calculations shown further down):

160 grams of carbs per day which equals 640 calories

200-300 grams of protein per day which equals 800-1200 calories

40-80 grams of fat per day which equals 360-720 calories

        Total calories consumed is approximately 2000-2200 which is 10-11 calories per pound of bodyweight.

(A great way to determine macronutrient information for almost any type of food is or you can also always read the label on store bought foods.)

You should buy a cheap scale so you can weigh out your food and always have a measuring cup available to measure out your oatmeal, etc.

Important:  Below is a Sample Day for 200 lb. individual (adjust this diet based on your weight – so if you are 140 lbs which is 70% of 200 then you would eat 70% of the portions or if you are 240 lb. which is 120% of 200 then you would eat 120% of the portions.):

Example:  If a 200 lb. person is supposed to eat 7 egg whites then a 140 lb. person should eat 5 egg whites.

                Calculate:  140 lb. divided by 200 lb. = 0.7 (70%) - Divide your weight by 200 to get the percentage
                                  7 egg whites multiplied by 0.7 = aprox. 5 eggs - multiply the food by your percentage to find
                                  your serving size.

**on the days that you do not workout, substitute Meal 3 & 4 for a single meal that includes lean protein (i.e. chicken breast) and a vegetable.

Sample diet

Meal 1 (upon waking):

-1/2 cup oatmeal: (contains Carbs: 28 grams, Protein: 5 grams, Fat: 3 grams)

-7 large egg whites: (contains Protein: 28 grams, Fat: 0, Carbs: 0)

-1 large whole egg: (contains: Protein: 6 grams, Fat: 5 grams, Carbs: 0)


            Total Protein:  39 grams

            Total Carbs:  28 grams

            Total Fats:  8 grams

            Total Calories:  340

Meal 2 (3 hours later):

-5 ounces chicken breast (5 ounces after being cooked)

            (Contains:  Protein: 42 grams, Fat: 5 grams, Carbs: 0)

-1 medium apple (contains:  Carbs: 19 grams, Fat: 0, Protein: 0)

Total Protein: 42 grams

            Total Fat: 5 grams

            Carbs: 19 grams

            Total Calories:  289

Meal 3 (prior to workout)

-Whey protein shake (contains: Protein 20 grams, trace carbs and fats)

            Total Protein:  20 grams

            Total Fat: 0 to trace

            Total Carbs: 0 to trace

            Total Calories:  80

Meal 4 (post workout)

-50 grams Fast Digesting Carbs (contains:  Carbs: 50 grams, Protein: 0, Fat: 0)

-good sources include Dextrose (best), Gatorade, candy (make sure it is pure sugar without the fat), table sugar, etc.

-2 scoops Whey Protein shake (contains:  Protein: 40 grams, trace carbs and fat)

            Total Protein:  40 Grams

            Total Carbs:  50 grams

            Total Fat: 0

            Total Calories:  360

Meal 5 (1-2 hours later)

-Flank steak 5 ounces (5 ounces after being cooked)

            (contains:  Protein: 40 grams, Fat: 9 grams, Carbs: 0)

-1/4 cup whole grain rice (contains:  Carbs: 35 grams, Protein: 4 grams, Fat: 1grams)


            Total Protein: 44 grams

            Total Carbs: 35 grams

            Total Fat: 10 grams

            Total Calories:  406

Meal 6 (2-3 hours later)

-Ground Beef 5 ounces (90-95% fat free)

            (contains:  Protein: 36 grams, Fat: 11 grams, Carbs: 0)

-Broccli 1 cup (contains:  Carbs: 12 grams, Protein: 4 grams, Fat: 0)


            Total Protein:  40 grams

            Total Fat:  11 grams

            Total Carbs: 12 grams

            Total Calories:  307

Meal 7 (before bed)

-Peanut Butter 2 tablespoons (contains:  Protein: 8 grams, Fat: 16 grams, Carbs: 6 grams)

-Cottage Cheese Lowfat – ½ cup (contains: Protein: 14 grams, Carbs: 3 grams, Fat: 2 grams)

            Total Carbs: 9 grams

            Total Fat: 18 grams

            Total Protein: 22 grams

            Total Calories:  286

Total Macronutrient Ratios:

Carbs: 153 grams

Protein: 247 grams

Fats: 52 grams

Total Calories: Roughly 2068 per day

Important:(Every person’s body is different, feel free to adjust the portions slightly up or down depending on your energy levels and progress.)

The diet listed above is only a sample diet.  Please feel free to substitute other healthy foods in place of some of the ones listed.  Just make sure to keep the protein, carbohydrate, and fat levels somewhat similar.

The more strict you are with your diet, the better the results you will obtain. Obtaining an enviable physique is 60% diet, 35% discipline in the gym, and 5% science (supplements, etc.). Don’t give into temptation (even small ones) throughout the day such as a chip here, or a sip of soda there etc. It all adds up. Have one cheat meal per week and then jump back on your healthy diet.

Grocery List of Acceptable Foods (this list is not completely inclusive, feel free to find other healthy sources):

1. Protein:

-Whey Protein Shakes

-Low Fat Steaks (Flank steak, Top Sirloin, London Broil, etc)

-Low Fat Ground Beef (90% or better)


-Fish and Tuna

-Pork Loin (not pork chops)

-Egg whites

-Soy protein

-Occasionally protein bars (for a treat)


-Lunch Meat

-Low Fat Cottage Cheese

2. Carbohydrates:







-Occasionally whole grain items (like whole grain breads, whole grain rice, etc.)

-Sugars (for Post Workout)

3. Fats:

-Peanut Butter (Natural, Skippy makes a delicious natural peanut butter, all the others suck)

-Mixed Nuts

-Olive Oil

-Omega 3 Fish Oil Capsule supplements

-Flax Seed

-Fats will naturally occur in most of your meats (even the lean ones)

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